The Weekly Newsletter for Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Families and Friends

Happy Monday dear ones! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Things have been buzzing around the birth center since we announced our move date. We are getting excited about our first family work days this Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th. We'll mostly be assembling furniture and organizing the space so bring your tools (screw drivers, allen wrenches, etc) and help us put together our new space. HOH member Amanda Wren has put together a signup sheet for the days where we'll need assistance. As promised, you will be paid in pizza and hugs!
Self Care?

About a month ago I mentioned that we were starting up a new support group with a focus on managing anxiety. The group has met twice and it's been incredible watching the participants support one another. One of the topics we discussed this past week was self care and the ways that we care for ourselves everyday that fill our cup and keep us going. A few of us laughed at this. Self care? What the hell is that? The truth is that self care can be a simple as saying "no" to an event that will drain you more than fulfill you. It could be sneaking some dark chocolate covered almonds from your secret stash in the linen closet while your kids are at school. Or maybe its sweating away your frustrations on your Peloton, it doesn't have to be a spa day or luxurious pampering. Merging your pre-baby life with your new reality might mean that your go-to self care activities look different but they are more important now than ever. I'd love to hear what self care looks like for you and your family. Post a comment below and tell us what you've found works to fill your cup.

Lending Library
Thanks to everyone who has donated their birthy/parenting books to our lending library. We've not been great about keeping track of who borrowed what so please check around your home for any that need to be returned. This includes baby-wearing gear like ring slings. Now that we will be in our permanent home we'd love to take any gently used books or baby-wearing gear donations!
Save the Dates

Full Moon Dance and Breath for Birth: September's full moon is known as the Harvest Moon. Join us for an evening of celebrating the Goddess within! Joanna Zepeda will lead a practice of gratitude and guidance as you prepare for your journey into parenthood. This event is $15 for HOH and Whole Heart Collective members and $20 for the public. Please RSVP!
Father's Circle Brunch: Okay folks I finally nailed own a day for our first Father's circle. Saturday September 23 10-12pm. This event is open to all HOH and Whole Heart Collective members past and present. Stay tuned for the event page and more details.
Birthday Bulletin!

This young lady is celebrating another trip around the sun.
A few friends wanted to give you all the love you deserve today.
The best day, YOUR day!
Happy birthday, Mary! I hope this year you continue to see your dreams and visions come to life! So thankful to work with you!!! Rachel P.
Mary day is the best day because it gave us you!!! Don’t forget to thank your mama! Happy Mary Day! Kathleen W.
Wishing you the all the best on your birthday! You are an inspiration as you follow your passion, create amazing things and serve so many! Sending our love, BABE💜
Happy birthday, Mary! Today we celebrate your birth and are so grateful for your role in welcoming new life into this world. May you have many years of happiness, community, and restful nights! Eleanor P.
Happy Birthday Mary! You are such a powerful force in this world and you inspire me every day. Love, Brandie M.
Mary, I hope you have a happy birthday this year and I am so excited to see your dreams come true with a beautiful new birth center! I’m so thankful for a woman warrior like you! Xoxo Karen
Happy Birthday Mary! I hope you take some moments through your busy day to spoil yourself, you truly deserve it. We appreciate all that you do! Bethany H.
Happy birthday dear friend! I hope you have a terrific day with lots of reminders of how much you are appreciated and loved! Rachel S.
Happy trip around the sun Mary! May your next year be filled with progress and wonder! Malea H.
Happy birthday to my wonderful midwife, Mary! Thank you for all of your hard work building a space for our community to grow 💕 Mary Alice
Mary, Thank you for your kind and loving heart that nurtures so many! I wish you a wonderful Birthday! Joanna Z
Happy Birthday, Mary! You are such an amazing and graceful presence. I adore your humanity and respect your abilities. I hope you're enjoying your special day. Damla K.
Happy Birthday to a hard working and caring woman! I hope you have a great day with loved ones and I wish you many more beautiful trips around the sun! Carolina G
Happy, happy birthday to our lovely midwife! We LOVE you, Mary Love!! 🎂 🎉
- West U Wellness
Mary I hope you have the most amazing birthday today and many more to come. Love Nolana
Happy Birthday Mary Love, you are the cornerstone of this amazing community and we are all grateful for it. May this next year be your best yet! Love you dearly.
- Jessica

This Week's Events
Upcoming Events
Rebel Birth Childbirth Series: Mondays 6-9pm August 15-September 12, No class labor day 9/5. This is complete childbirth education for those who have a rebel heart. Come learn the ins and outs of birth and get to know the tools that will work for YOU as an individual or family. We aren’t peddling one philosophy here, we want to help you to figure out what you want and how to get it! Please register here.
Pregnancy Core Class, Stages of Labor: Saturday August 20th 6-8pm. We had great turn out for our last Saturday Pregnancy circle so We're doing it again! We HIGHLY encourage all expectant clients and their support person(s) to join us for this session. We'll cover ways to support the laboring person at each stage of the laboring process. This class is free to current HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective Members. Please RSVP
Pregnancy Core Class, Comfort Measures: Sunday August 28th 2-4pm. This interactive class will be great practice for game day! Bring your support person(s) and cycle through the six comfort stations set up throughout the birth center for hands on practice. This class is free to current HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective Members. Please RSVP
Ongoing Events
Postpartum Support Group: Every Wednesday from 10-12ish and Thursday 9:30-11:30. Zoom link has been sent to all HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members. Email Jessica if you need more information.
Feeding Clinic: Twice a month during Postpartum group. Keep an eye on schedule for specifics
Queer Parent Circle: Second Sunday of every month 2-4pm Open to the public!
Birthworkers Circle: Second Sunday of every month starting Jan 2022 time 11am-1:30pm
Various Childbirth Education Curriculums starting soon: Rebel Birth weekly series or weekend intensive,and Bradley Method with Anne Zwicky. Birthing from within.
That's all for now! Have a great week everyone.
