Heart of Houston’s collaborative partnerships couldn’t be complete without including lactation and we are proud to be partnering with Leah Jolly, and all of the other lactation consultants at Bay Area Breastfeeding and Education aka BABE. Leah created BABE eight years ago and has a team of highly skilled IBCLCs dedicated to supporting and empowering Houston families on their breastfeeding journey. In addition to in-home and virtual visits, BABE also provides lactation consultations to breastfeeding families at Pearland Pediatrics and has established a Corporate Lactation Program which offers classes and lactation support not only to Houston’s large corporations but across the world.

The BABE Team
BABE’s mission is to provide excellent lactation support in a caring environment that inspires families to have the confidence to reach their own breastfeeding goals. “We come alongside families to empower them with knowledge and skills to overcome breastfeeding challenges and find their way as a breastfeeding family. We meet families where they are and center our care on their desires and goals for their journey. We recognize the unique needs of each family and provide individualized family centered care to meet those needs.”
BABE’s mission is to provide excellent lactation support in a caring environment that inspires families to have the confidence to reach their own breastfeeding goals.

Leah understands many families feel so confused and lost as they start on their breastfeeding journey. It could be a google search on "how to breastfeed", or a poll of their closest friends but they are sure to find 100s of articles or suggestions on the 'best' way to breastfeed. She feels honored to be able to share evidence based support and information to help them work through all the confusion and find their path to breastfeeding success, whatever that looks like for them.
What motivates Leah? “I love helping families learn about their new little one and discover the amazing abilities their own bodies have to provide milk for their babies. It is so important to me that families feel supported and know someone is "on their team" in the formative early parenting journey.” Through her own experiences and those of her clients, she knows that the support and guidance one gets early on can shape so much of how they respond to their new role as a parent. “Because of this, I take my job very seriously but also with great joy as I know I can make a positive impact and truly be of service in my role as their lactation consultant. I know deep in my heart being a lactation consultant is my calling and that makes it all the more meaningful!”
The idea of a collaborative environment with plentiful resources for new parents really excites Leah, she sees resource gaps which leave holes in a families care which they have to find a way to fill them on their own. In a big city like Houston it can feel difficult to find comprehensive support that centers the family and their individual needs. When providers are spread out and may not have easy referral networks, it limits the support families can access. Leah is thrilled for BABE to be part of this collaborative model of care because, “I know how valuable this will be to families and it will truly change the face of Houston prenatal and postpartum support.”