A Weekly Newsletter for Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Families
Happy Monday everyone!
We hope you all fared well with last weekend's storm. Thankfully the birth center held up just fine and we didn't even lose power. Last week we welcomed sweet baby Jasper into the Heart of Houston family. Jaspers' parents Alex and Albert worked together so beautifully to bring their baby earthside. Alex's mom Amber happens to be a doula and was thrilled to be present for the birth of her first grandbaby. Congratulations to everyone, we are so excited for you all!
We also added a few new members to the Whole Heart Collective so if this is your first issue of the Bumpdate we are so happy you are here! I'm always looking for new classes to add to our calendar and content for this newsletter. Let me know if you have any ideas for us!
Over the Weekend
Lactation supernova Leah Jolly, IBCLC joined us for our Sunday pregnancy group. Our focus this week was the first 48hrs with your newborn. I swear I learn something new every time I sit in on Leah's classes. This class is included in our core curriculum and Leah is always updating it with the latest research and evidence based practices. A recording is available in the members area and we will offer it again in person (fingers crossed) in the winter.

The first 48hrs are so vital in establishing a solid foundation for each new parent's feeding goals. We also covered newborn care and what to expect from your new baby. Spoiler alert; it's cuteness, poop and noise. Because we've moved our groups to virtual I wasn't able to teach some of the fun hands on stuff I do in person but really isn't on the job training a great way to master new skills? Guess you'll find out!
Leah will be back on October 13th and 27th for latch clinic during our postpartum support group. She will be available to answer your basic latching and feeding questions. To schedule a one on one visit with her please visit her website. Remember that current Heart of Houston clients and Whole Heart Collective members receive a discount when you book with Leah and her team.
Upcoming Events

Next weekend's (10/2) pregnancy group is going to be a fun one! Sasha Summing, LMT of Massage Momma and Evidence Based Birth Instructor , will lead us in a labor day rehearsal. You'll learn hands on techniques for managing labor and pushing. This event will be in person so masks are required and we are limiting the event to four couples. Please RSVP to snag your spot! If you can't make it next weekend don't worry this class is also part of our core classes and will be held again in the winter.
This Sunday the 26th will be our Whole Heart Collective Orientation on zoom. This class is geared towards new HOH clients and new collective members. We'll go over all the fun stuff you can expect as a member and learn how we plan out our calendar of events. This is also a great time to get to know your village and HOH community. We'll talk about ways to stay on top of your health during pregnancy and recommendations for preparing for a new baby. If you're curious about the Whole Heart Collective and want to learn more visit our membership page. Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Events
Events are virtual unless otherwise noted.
Latch Clinic: Now on Zoom 10/13 & 10/37, 10am, Leah Jolly IBCLC will join our weekly postpartum support group to answer your feeding questions. We have breakout rooms now so you can spend a few min in private with Leah if necessary.
Pregnancy Group: Sunday September 26th 4pm Zoom This session will cover all the benefits of included in your Whole Heart Collective membership and will be open for general Q&A. RSVP here!
Postpartum Support Group: Get Outside! Wednesday the 29th we'll meet at the Water Works building on Sabine at 10am for a walk. This event is open to member and the public. Hope to see you then.
Pregnancy Group: Sunday October 3rd 4pm Comfort Measures for all stages of labor. Sasha Sumling, LMT, CLD and EBB instructor will join us for a labor rehearsal. This class will be in person and is limited to 4 couples, masks are required. RSVP here!
Car seat Safety: Certified Car seat Technician Angela Flagg will spend the morning teaching the ins and outs of purchasing, installing and maintaining age appropriate car seats. This event is in person, space is limited and masks are required. Price is $20 for clients and collective members and $30 for everyone else. RSVP here. Email Jessica with questions.
HOH Halloween Party: Saturday October 30th 12-2 Location will be in central Houston and outdoors. Event page will be updated when we have confirmed the venue booking.
Ongoing Events
Postpartum Support Group: Every Wednesday from 10-12ish and Thursday 9:30-11:30. Zoom link has been sent to all HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members. Email Jessica if you need more information.
Various Childbirth Education Curriculums starting soon: Rebel Birth weekly series or weekend intensive, and Bradley Method with Anne Zwicky. Birthing from within.
That's all for now. Have a good week, friends.
