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The Bumpdate 12/6 (late night edition)

A Weekly Newsletter for Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Families

Fresh babies!

We've had few new arrivals over the last few weeks and I've been slacking on showing off our sweet babies. Please help me welcome all these brand new people to our community! Welcome little ones, we are so glad you're here! Our hearts are just keep growing and growing with each family that joins our village. It's exciting to see support groups and classes filled each week and we couldn't be more happy. Team HOH has some really exciting things on the horizon and we can't wait to share it all with you.

Let's Eat!

As our first crop of HOH babies round out their first year of life we check in with their parents about first foods.

Harriet and her mom Mary Alice:

"I listened to the original baby-led weaning book on audio and it helped me to feel much more relaxed about the whole process! It also gave me a lot of confidence about preparing foods safely. Once Harriet was sitting well with support and showing interest in foods I let her try anything she wanted. We started with avocado and explored from there. Have fun with it!"

Max and his mama Magdalen:

Max isn’t super interested in solids, so I have nothing to contribute aside from “let your dog clean up the mess.” To Mary Alice’s point – relaxing is a great tip. Multiple exposures to a food is important, so keep trying! Just because your baby doesn’t scarf it down immediately doesn’t mean they won’t like it in time.

Also, it’s helpful to make a game out of teaching them to open their mouth and stick out their tongue. You can see if they have any little bits of food stashed in their cheeks, and it's cute."

Ivy and her mommy Rachel:

"I didn’t feel comfortable with anything except bananas and oatmeal for a while. Until her first tooth came in and then it was easier for her to grasp the chewing method for some reason.

Showing interest in foods is a great sign, as MA said. We tried before ivy had any interest and it was a bit of a waste of time IMHO"

Evangelen and her mom, Virgina:

"I was very nervous about getting it “right” and probably over thought allergies. The biggest piece of advice I have is to take a deep breath and try not to over think it. Having fun with it is so important for both you and babe. There are so many easy foods to start with that so you can all get into the swing of solids (and lots of resources— solid starts was my fav go to app). Do the things that make you feel the best rather it be purees or more baby led weaning. We started with roasted carrots and avocado because I could wrap my head around how to give those foods. After a few days, we jumped right into ticking off the allergies, waiting a week before offering the next major allergy, because that was the thing I was most fixated on. After the first few, I got much more relaxed and just enjoyed the process. We had lots of fun trying new things and watching her response change over time.

Also, having buds to talk through it all is sooo important! Mary Alice and Harriett made both Chris and I more excited and more confident to try solids with E. It was after our first partners gathering that Chris really got on board with solids when he saw Harriet eat some bread!"

New Events!

We've added a Yoga with Bee session this Friday at 6:45pm. On Sunday the 26th come stretch out that tension from all your holiday cheer. Bee and her team will be raffling off surprise services and providing you with her usual tasty treats. Check out the event calendar to sign up.

Our friend Gail Gould is back for another Infant CPR/BLS class. Class is open to the public and $45 per person. Gail is a certified American Heart Association instructor and also teaches an online mini-course on how to How To Confidently Help Your Child During A Choking Emergency Masks are required to attend this in person class. Sunday January 23rd starts at noon.

Don't forget to register for this weekend's pregnancy group. This class will cover all the great ways to enjoy your Whole Heart Collective membership or just stop by and say hello to your fellow expectant families. This will take place over zoom. I'll will email a link to our zoom room to folks who RSVP.

Upcoming Events

  • Latch Clinic: Now on Zoom Wednesday 12/8 10am, Leah Jolly IBCLC will join our weekly postpartum support group to answer your feeding questions. We have breakout rooms now so you can spend a few min in private with Leah if necessary.

  • In Person PP Support Group Thursday 12/9 10am all ages welcome

  • Take a Walk PP Support Group :No walk scheduled for this week.

  • Yoga with Bee: Friday 12/10 6:45 pm

  • Pregnancy Group: Online zoom open forum 12/12 2pm -3:30pm

  • Newborn Essentials : Sunday 12/19 2pm Nina Spears of Baby Chick will give her top pick for new baby essentials.

  • Office closed for holiday 12/24 through 12/27...unless of course you're in labor!

  • Sunday Yoga with Bee: Sunday 12/26 noon-2pm $20 at the door, donation based for HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members.

  • Infant CPR: January 23 noon - 2pm. $45 a person, masks required please email Gail Gould at cprandsafetylady at gmail dot com to make payment, RSVP here.

Ongoing Events

  • Postpartum Support Group: Every Wednesday from 10-12ish and Thursday 9:30-11:30. Zoom link has been sent to all HOH clients and Whole Heart Collective members. Email Jessica if you need more information.

  • Queer Parent Circle: Second Sunday of every month 3:30-5pm Open to the public!

  • Birthworkers Circle: Second Sunday of every month starting Jan 2022 time TBD

  • Various Childbirth Education Curriculums starting soon: Rebel Birth weekly series or weekend intensive, and Bradley Method with Anne Zwicky. Birthing from within.

That's all for now! Have a great week everyone.

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