The Mostly Weekly Newsletter for Heart of Houston Birth and Wellness Families and Friends
Hey baby, it's HOT outside!
Happy day dear friends! This weekend Houston experienced record breaking heat and it's only June. If you're new to Houston we've got some great news for you: July and August are going to be killer! Literally. Our favorite local meteorologist Eric Burger over at Space City Weather says we can expect a tiny break for the next couple of days (whatever that means) but don't expect much relief anytime soon.
Folks with July and August due dates are spending a lot of time in their local pools or indoors just waiting it out.
Keeping yourself and your children hydrated during extensive periods of heat is crucial to prevent dehydration and heat-related illnesses. Here are some great tips and ideas from HOH parents:
Katherine says: Offer water often. Don't wait for them to ask.
High water content snacks - like oranges and melon, especially watermelon!
Keary: I second watermelon and lots of water offerings. I also found these cool car seat coolers for when your baby is NOT in the car seat to help the seat stay cooler when your car is parked outside. Not hydration but helps with heat related issues. Little Bum Coolers.
Grace suggests: Avocado, potatoes, kiwi, and bananas in addition to water or milk to help keep electrolytes up. Anything with sodium, magnesium and potassium.
Karen linked this awesome TikTok on the greenhouse effect that can happen when you cover your stroller!
Kellie: I make an electrolyte drink with salt, lime juice, and a little honey for him to drink when it’s really hot (obviously over age 1). Sometimes I just do a little salt and he still drinks it! Also, I bring 2 styles of cups when we're out and give him a choice when offering water ie "do you want water from your straw cup or an open cup/water bottle" etc
I have a play sink that recirculates water. I keep it clean and put filtered water in it and he drinks so much water from the faucet or with his little cups.
Jubilee: Have a spray bottle handy to spritz with water, ice pack in car seat when you need to go in store
Virginia: If you’re out with breastfeed babies, offer more frequently than normal.
Helen says: I’m from the uk and it’s never really hot, so when it does get hot there are always warnings about things like this. I think I’m extra cautious now I’m here because I’ve never had to deal with a baby in this heat! I’ve seen homemade fruit popsicles! Like these, I’d be tempted to cut the fruit and freeze them in water so the fun would bet getting to the fruit, but they hydrate at the same time 👍🏻
Other great tips:
Encourage regular water intake: Encourage your child to drink water throughout the day, even when they don't feel thirsty. Offer water at regular intervals and make it easily accessible to them.
Avoid sugary drinks: Limit the consumption of sugary drinks like soda, fruit juices, and sports drinks. These can actually increase dehydration and provide empty calories. Water should be the primary source of hydration.
Provide electrolytes: During prolonged periods of heat, especially if your child is engaging in physical activities or sweating a lot, consider providing electrolyte-rich drinks. These can include liquid IV packets, electrolyte water, coconut water or specialized pediatric electrolyte solutions available at pharmacies. However, consult a healthcare professional before giving any such products to young children.
Offer hydrating foods: Include hydrating foods in your child's diet. Fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, grapes, and strawberries, can contribute to hydration.
Set reminders and create a routine: Children may get engrossed in play or other activities and forget to drink water. Set reminders or create a routine where they take regular water breaks, especially if they are outside in hot weather.
Dress appropriately: Dress your child in lightweight, loose-fitting, and breathable clothing during hot weather. This helps prevent overheating and excessive sweating.
Seek shade and avoid direct sunlight: When spending time outdoors, ensure that your child has access to shaded areas to cool down. Avoid direct sunlight during peak hours when the heat is most intense, typically between 10 am and 4 pm.
Use cooling measures: Employ cooling measures to help regulate your child's body temperature. Use fans, air conditioning, or cool towels to provide relief from the heat.
Educate your child and all caretakers about the importance of staying hydrated and recognizing signs of dehydration, such as thirst, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, and decreased urine output. Encourage them to communicate their needs if they feel unwell.
Lead by example: Children often mimic their parents' behavior, so ensure that you set a good example by staying hydrated yourself. Drink water regularly and maintain good hydration habits.
Your final option is to move to Alaska like our friends Madison, Quinn and Brooks (AKA Brooks With the Good Hair). Otherwise, settle in friends, it's going to be a long summer.
Remember, if you notice severe signs of dehydration or heat-related illness in your child, such as confusion, rapid breathing, excessive fatigue, or reduced responsiveness, seek medical attention immediately.
When Fur-babies Graduate
So many of our HOH and WHC families are pet owners. Whenever I teach any class at HOH, I try really hard to remind folks to prepare for the postpartum period as much as they do the birth of their new baby. The birth itself is just a split second in the timeline of parenthood. It's important that you have a good birth experience, but don't forget to plan for the fourth trimester! That includes introducing your pets to their new siblings. Believe it or not, fur kids are no different than older siblings. They expect the same amount of attention you gave them before the new kid came along and they will get it, one way or another!
Here are some steps to help you introduce your pet to a new baby:
Prepare in advance: Before the baby arrives, gradually make any necessary adjustments to your pet's routine, such as changes in feeding or exercise schedules. This will help them adapt to the upcoming changes.
Gradual exposure: Begin introducing your pet to the new sights, sounds, and smells associated with a baby. Play recorded sounds of a baby crying or cooing, use baby lotion or powder, and allow your pet to explore baby-related items such as cribs, strollers, and toys.
Reinforce obedience training: Ensure that your pet is well-trained and responsive to basic commands such as sit, stay, and leave it. If necessary, consider enrolling them in obedience classes or working with a professional trainer to address any behavioral concerns.
Set boundaries: Establish areas in your home that are off-limits to your pet, such as the nursery or certain pieces of baby equipment. Use baby gates or other barriers to prevent access if needed.
Gradual introductions: Once the baby is home, gradually introduce your pet to the new addition. Start with short, supervised sessions, allowing your pet to observe the baby from a safe distance. Reward your pet with treats and praise for calm behavior.
Positive associations: Associate the presence of the baby with positive experiences for your pet. Provide treats, praise, and attention when your pet displays calm and relaxed behavior around the baby.
Supervision: Always closely supervise interactions between your pet and the baby, especially during the initial stages. Never leave them alone together and be prepared to intervene if necessary.
Maintain routines and attention: Despite the new addition to the family, try to maintain your pet's routines as much as possible. Continue to provide them with regular exercise, attention, and affection to prevent feelings of neglect or jealousy.
Individual attention: Dedicate quality time to both your pet and the baby separately. This will help prevent your pet from feeling neglected and reinforce positive associations with the new family dynamics.
Be patient and observant: Each pet is different, and the adjustment period may vary. Pay attention to your pet's behavior and body language, addressing any signs of stress, anxiety, or aggression with appropriate training or professional help.
Remember, safety should always be the top priority. If you have concerns about your pet's behavior or their ability to adapt to a baby, consult with a veterinarian or a professional animal behaviorist for personalized guidance.
Upcoming Events
6/21: PM Core Class: Newborn Care 6-8pm
6/22 Postpartum Support Circle 10-12pm
6/24 Family Pride in the Park 9am Levy Park
6/24 Montessori Playdate ages 1-3, 10am-12pm
6/25 Core Class First 48 Breast/Chest feeding 2-4pm must RSVP
6/26 Lunch Anxiety Group: Open to all HOH and WHC members. 12-1pm
6/29 Postpartum Support Circle 10-12pm
June Events
All events are open to HOH and WHC members. Please RSVP
New address 6550 Mapleridge Ste 100
Monthly Ongoing Events
Thursday In Person Postpartum Support Circle: 10-12 in the community room. Open to current HOH & WHC members. Feeding clinic first and third Thursdays of each month.
Queer Parent Circle: Second Sunday of every month 2-4pm Open to the public.
Babywearing Beginners Series:Every Third Saturday 4-5pm Free for HOH & WHC
Parents of School Age Kids Circle: First Sunday of every month 11-1pm Open to the public.
Birth workers Circle: Second Sunday of every month 11am-1:30pm midwives, student midwives, doulas, birth assistants, Obs and L&D nurses are all welcome to attend.
Mindful Movements: First and second Saturday of each month 10:30-12
Yoga with Bee: Every Monday from 10-11am Open to the public members donation based register here.
Various Childbirth Education Curriculums starting soon: Rebel Birth weekend intensive or Bradley Method with Anne Zwicky